We offer complete range of cutting tools, electric power tools, hand tools, measuring instrument, air tools, welding, air hoist, work light reels, lubrication tools, hoisting equipment, pneumatic and hydraulic usage, safety products, and more.
About Us
Year Established:
1946 and still in continuous uninterrupted operation up to the present

Business Activities:
Importer / Wholesaler / Retailer / Indentor / Manufacturer's Representatives

Yale Hardware Corporation distributes and stocks complete range gas welding, cutting equipment, pneumatic & hydraulic usage, hydraulic power system, air hoists, work light reels, electrical time saving tools. We also carry various types of application tools such as air tools, cutting tools, hand tools, measuring tools and power tools.
With our wide distribution network sourcing experience and excellent customer service level. We have the capabilities to provide a "One-stop-shop" solution to fulfill our customer requirements.
Yale ​Hardware Corporation is a company known for its exceptional lines of industrial tools and equipments, it retails, wholesales, imports and acts as an indentor of several foreign principals.​

With your valued support and our company's mission
"Exceeding customer satisfaction is our top priority."

We are proud to achieve our company's vision:
"The preferred importer, wholesaler and retailer."